Premium Retractable Stand 34"

34" Premium Retractable Banner Stand

Retractable Banner Trade Stand

Our premium retractable banner stands are designed for maximum usage. These are specifically for those that use their stands heavily throughout the year. Extremely durable, solid base design doesn't need feet like the other classes of stands we offer. The base supports the entire stand when extended.

The most unique aspect of our premium stands is the removable cartridge. The graphic is actually attached to the cartridge which can be completely removed from the stand in seconds. This allows you to buy another cartidge should you choose to use in the exact same stand. We also sell the optional cartridges with graphics should you want to do this in the future. This saves money for those that might attend very specific types of trade shows, it pays to focus your message down to your audience.

Our stands are easy to put up and come shipped to you ready to be displayed at your show. Pull up the graphic like a window shade and attach the supporting rod, you are done. It really is that easy to setup these stands. Includes padded carry case. Price includes stand only.

  • Viewable Area: 33.5" x 84"
  • Weight: 8lbs

Be sure to select the graphic checkbox if you need a printed graphic along with your stand.

Specialty light kit designed to fit on the top of your stand. Perfect to attract extra attention to your product.
Deluxed hardened case designed to offer complete protection of your stand. Extremely hard, will not collapse.
Most people that order our stands will need a printed graphic also. This is the actual graphic that goes into the stand. Price is based on customer providing print read artwork. Durable high resolution photographic quality print.